What Your Insurance Broker Isn’t Telling You About Transparency Is Costing You A Fortune…

Hint: Your broker makes more money keeping you in the dark.

Employers large and small are discovering the importance of transparency with their group health insurance plans. Having access to your plans’ data (and knowing how your plan expenses compare to the premiums you pay) levels the playing field with your carriers and gives YOU leverage when your plans renew.

“We saved $133,980 per year on our health benefits, switched to a better plan and stopped supporting PBMs.”
— HGRxPreferred Customer

Fully Transparent Health Benefits

Our plans enable you to see where every healthcare dollar is spent with each doctor, clinic or prescription… and if your plan spends less than you pay in premiums, your renewal-rates decrease.

When was the last time your premiums went down at renewal?!?

Why Choose HGRxPreferred?


Lower cost, higher quality benefits

Lower cost doesn’t mean inferior benefits. In fact, HGRxPreferred customers adopt plans with lower deductibles and co-pays. Our significant savings are derived by moving your group out of the ACA/Obamacare high-risk pool and into an underwritten, low-risk pool.


Dedicated to full transparency.

Your current plan doesn’t allow you access to all of your plans’ data. You have no idea how your plan is performing and are at the mercy of your carriers. HGRxPreferred plans provide unfettered access to your information so you are always on a level playing field with the carriers.


More money in your pocket.

When you know where every dollar is going, you can better manage your expenses and business decisions. Transparency is key. HGRXPreferred is committed to helping business owners achieve their group health insurance goals.

70% of applicants typically qualify to save 18-28% on their health insurance with HGRxPreferred.

How to Get Started with HGRxPreferred.

  1. Fill out this 30-second form.

  2. A representative will follow up with questions to see if you will fit into our program.

  3. Questions? Message us through our contact form or call our toll-free number 888-821-7939.

Contact us.

(555) 555-5555

123 Demo Street
New York, NY 12345