Frequently Asked Questions
Interested in how transparent health insurance can save you money?
It’s simple: No more spread pricing. No more lost rebates. No more unnecessary, costly middlemen. Start saving today.
What is truly transparent healthcare?
HGRxPreferred specializes in fully transparent health and prescription benefits plans for businesses of all sizes. Transparency provides employers with information revealing where every dollar is being spent.
How much can I expect to save?
On average, our clients typically save 18-28% on their health insurance. When business owners understand how and where their healthcare dollars are being spent, they save money by making better, more informed decisions.
Do I have to wait until my current policy period ends?
No, you do not have to wait until your renewal. The vast majority of current insurance plans for small to medium-sized businesses are month-to-month. Start saving money today!
Is the price lower because it's bad insurance?
No, these are the same benefits you have now, with the same doctors and the same hospital and healthcare networks. market, including Blue Cross, United, Cigna and Aetna. Our size is what makes the cost lower.
Can my employees keep the same doctors?
Yes. Since HGRxPreferred is partnered with Acrisure, we are able to access the entire marketplace. The doctor coverage overlap is about 97%.
How many employees do I need to have to participate?
As few as two employees to as many as 100+ employees. By bringing together hundreds of small groups, HGRxPreferred offers negotiated large group rates to even the smallest business.
How do I learn if I qualify?
Apply here to receive a member census to learn if you qualify.
What is the overall timeline?
It is about a four-week process from starting the application to seeing savings.
What if there is a catastrophic event?
Insurance carriers under our plans are required by law to cover catastrophic claims.